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Cruse welcomes UK Commission on Bereavement report
The new report unveils the true scale and impact of grief among adults and children.
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Bereaved by suicide – the power of peer support
Sharing experiences and activities can be a lifeline for those bereaved by suicide. In this blog Bex from Sussex-based organisation Sibling Link explains how they have used walking, baking, and pottery in peer groups to help people connect.
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Grief as the world moves on
The Queen's funeral marked the end of an intense period of national mourning. It’s been an emotional time for many people for many reasons. But what happens now? When, if at all does life return to 'normal' after any funeral?
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Feelings at a funeral
Funerals are expected to be emotional. Watching or attending a funeral can bring up some difficult and sometimes surprising feelings, even if you didn't know the person well, or at all.
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Let’s talk about funerals
Major events like The Queen’s funeral, as well as being a chance to mourn and celebrate a life, give us a chance to open up discussions about our own wishes.
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When you don’t feel sad, or feel angry
Coverage of the death of The Queen is everywhere at the moment, but we know there are many different reactions when someone dies. What about those who don’t feel sad or are even feeling angry?
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Talking to children about grief
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Grief for the nation’s grandmother
As the news sinks in that Her Majesty the Queen has died, many people are finding themselves surprised by how devastated they feel, and how it's brought their own losses to the surface.
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Alice’s story: Bereaved by suicide
Alice’s Dad took his own life in March 2019. In the run up to this year’s World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10th, Alice shares her story with us.
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Letters from the grief club
Letters from the grief club is a collection of letters by young grievers writing to their newly bereaved selves. Beth French and Kate Moreton explain how the book came about and share the top tips they learned from their contributors.
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The Worry Drawer
Comedian Hatty Ashdown found that support from Cruse, and her stand-up comedy, were both ingredients in staying afloat and finding the joy in talking about her mum again.
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Returning to work after a bereavement
Cruse Project Manager Lucy Dennis looks at the challenges faced when returning to work after a bereavement.
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