Information Events (CYP Support)

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Bereavement Volunteer for Children and Young People.

Mother with child

Supporting children and young people who have been bereaved is a key part of our organisation, enabling us to provide timely bereavement support when a child and young person is experiencing grief and its impact.

The Cruse CYP bereavement service offers bereavement support to children and young people aged between 7 – 25 years across England, Wales and Northern Ireland who are affected by the death of someone important to them. We work with CYP remotely through telephone, video and in person. Sometimes we also support children and young people in groups, in schools, communities and at family events.

Please see the Role Description here.
Please see the Criteria and Expectations here.

If you think you have what we are looking for then please register for our upcoming ‘Introduction to Volunteering at Cruse to Support Children and Young People’ session below.

Dates of Upcoming CYP Information Events:

**New dates will be released once confirmed**