Our local support services
We have over 80 local branches delivering services locally across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
We have over 80 branches across England, Wales and Northern Ireland that provide grief support to people of all walks of life. Our local branches are primarily staffed by volunteers who work extremely hard to provide support to people when they need it most.
Our local services
Each of branches offers a unique mix of support services that is tailored to their local area.
Understanding Your Bereavement (group information sessions)
Our Understanding Your Bereavement sessions provide an overview of the different ‘grief models’ and help you understand the reasons behind how you’re feeling.
One to one support
We offer one to one sessions with one of our trained bereavement supporters. These usually take place over the phone or via a video call. In these sessions our volunteers will use counselling skills to help you understand how you’re feeling. Find out more.
Many of our branches offer peer to peer support groups. These include walking groups.
Waiting lists
Due to high demand for our services, many of our branches run a waitlist for support. When you get in touch with your local branch, they will let you know whether they are currently running a waitlist and how long you might expect to wait before receiving support.