Grief booklets
Free leaflets for adults to view online or download.
Understanding grief
An introductory leaflet about grief, including some tips for coping and how to contact Cruse for support.
Cruse support leaflet and poster
A leaflet and poster which can be downloaded and printed on A4 paper. They outline how to contact Cruse for support, and the leaflet also explains a little about grief and offers some suggestions which might help.
Has someone died? Restoring hope
This is an 18 page booklet to help you in bereavement, with information about what you might be feeling, how you can take care of yourself, how as a friend or relative you can help others in their bereavement, looking to the future, and about how to help bereaved children and young people.
Coping with trauma and loss
A sixteen page leaflet to help you when someone close to you may have died in sudden and/or traumatic circumstances. You may have witnessed the death, or the deaths and injury of others. This leaflet explains some common reactions and sources of help.
When your parent dies: insights for bereaved adults
Losing a parent as an adult can be a very painful experience. This booklet explores some of the often complex issues involved.
After the death of someone very close
A guide to the emotions commonly experienced during grief. A basic, helpful introduction to bereavement, whatever the circumstances.
Help and hope for men living with loss
A booklet providing information and advice for bereaved men.
Bereaved by suicide
An 8-page booklet on grief when someone takes their own life.
Supporting people with grief
How to offer help to a friend, family member or colleague after someone dies.