Remember someone

We’re here to help you make a lasting and meaningful tribute to those you love and miss.

If you’re here because someone you love has died, we’re so very sorry for your loss.

Losing someone you love can be incredibly difficult, please know you’re not alone – we’re here for you. If you’re struggling with your grief you can find lots of helpful information on our website along with details on how to get in touch and talk to someone who understands.

On this page, you’ll find different ways you can remember someone special and support Cruse.

Get In Touch

Have a question? Our friendly In Memory Team is here to support you.

“My Grandad Walter was a specialist counsellor in bereavement care and tutor in bereavement studies, he was a remarkable man and I really miss him. Donating to Cruse in his memory was a fitting tribute to someone who dedicated much of his life to supporting bereaved people and improving understanding of grief and bereavement.”
