Traumatic grief

When someone dies in a traumatic way, it can be difficult to cope. We're here to help you make sense of how you're feeling.

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December 21, 2020 · Blog

Starting the New Year when you are grieving

Starting a new year can bring some difficult feelings for those who have been bereaved. If you'd like to make some changes, here are a few, gentle alternative resolutions you might like to consider.

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May 28, 2021 · Blog

Jo’s story: becoming a Cruse volunteer

To celebrate this year's Volunteer's Week, this is the story of our volunteer Jo. She shares what it was like becoming a Cruse volunteer, along with her own grief experiences.

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June 14, 2021 · Blog

Jabz’s story: Losing a father

The loss of a father is the loss of one of the most important relationships of your life. Jabz shares some of her experiences of grief, and how Cruse helped her come to terms with it.

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August 3, 2022 · Blog

The Worry Drawer

Comedian Hatty Ashdown found that support from Cruse, and her stand-up comedy, were both ingredients in staying afloat and finding the joy in talking about her mum again.

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March 22, 2022 · Blog

It’s complicated – grief on Mother’s day when your relationship was difficult

Mother’s Day can be really tough if you’ve lost a mum or are a mother whose child has died. It can be even more complicated and painful if you had a difficult relationship before they died.

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No-one should suffer from grief alone.

Can you help bereaved people today?

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Our projects

Recent Cruse projects are looking at how we can help communities in places like schools, prisons or retirement villages. We also want to help communities of people affected in ways which bring their own unique challenges, such as those bereaved by or with dementia, and those serving in the military and their families.

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Feedback and complaints

If you'd like to tell us something about the service you've received from Cruse Bereavement Support, we'd welcome your feedback

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June 10, 2021 · Blog

The Motherless Podcast

Losing a mother when you are young is always painful. But having children of your own can bring up a complicated mix of emotions.

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March 3, 2022 · Blog

Coping as restrictions ease

As we reach the two-year anniversary of the first lockdown, restrictions are being removed across the UK. But many of those grieving someone who died are still struggling.

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