February 10, 2023 · Blog | Research

Sensing the presence of someone who has died

Experiences of feeling or sensing the presence of a person who has died are quite common among those who are grieving. But it can be surprising to some people. Matthew Ratcliffe reports on research from the University of York.

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September 18, 2022 · Blog

Feelings at a funeral

Funerals are expected to be emotional. Watching or attending a funeral can bring up some difficult and sometimes surprising feelings, even if you didn't know the person well, or at all.

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2021 – Fabulous fundraising

Despite the challenges of fundraising during a pandemic our amazing supporters are always ready to think of new and exciting ways to raise funds to help those in need.

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March 18, 2021 · Blog

The long goodbye

In this blog, Claire, one of our bereavement volunteers reflects on the anticipatory grief she experienced when a family member was diagnosed with a life limiting condition.

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November 4, 2021 · Blog

Books about grief

Grief can feel very isolating. Reading about other people's experiences can make you feel like you're no longer alone.

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Have a Cuppa for Cruse

Sign up to host, invite your guests and get together to raise money for people struggling with grief.

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Have you been referred by your GP?

We know that a lot of people are introduced to us by their doctor or healthcare worker.

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January 18, 2022 · News | Research

Bereavement academic journal relaunched

In January 2022 we published our new open-access journal Bereavement: Journal of grief and responses to death

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July 12, 2023 · News

New Chief Executive appointed at Cruse

Cruse Bereavement Support is pleased to announce Lucy Harmer has been appointed as the new Chief Executive.

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Research request form

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Military Notification of Death

When someone in the military dies, how do their families find out? Learn about the military notification of death process here.

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Her Majesty The Queen

Her Majesty The Queen was a supporter of Cruse for 38 years and became our Royal Patron in 1984.

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