Should children come to funerals?

Taking a child to a funeral can be a helpful way to help them understand grief.

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Coping with birthdays

Birthdays are normally a time for celebration and for bringing people together. But after someone dies, special times like birthdays can be very painful.

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Large print factsheets

A selection of our information on understanding grief as large print factsheets.

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May 13, 2021 · Blog

Important conversations about death

Bereavement volunteer Jane Hamerton gives some tips on how to have difficult conversations on death and dying.

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May 9, 2022 · Blog

Sharing stories

How reading, writing and drawing helped Kitty Wheeler after her friend's death

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How long does grief last?

People often ask us 'when will the pain stop?' But the truth is there are no set stages or time limits to grief.

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What to say when someone dies

One of the most helpful things you can do for someone who is grieving is be there to listen.

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December 15, 2020 · Blog

Podcasts for grief and loss

Podcasts are a great way to engage with new ideas about grief.

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Our work in 2021

2021 was another painful and difficult year for so many. Find out more about what we acheived, how we have continued to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic, and how we are adapting and expanding our help for all bereaved people.

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September 14, 2022 · Blog

When you don’t feel sad, or feel angry

Coverage of the death of The Queen is everywhere at the moment, but we know there are many different reactions when someone dies. What about those who don’t feel sad or are even feeling angry?

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June 28, 2024 · Blog

Precocious Scars

Julia Englehorn, Author of Precocious Scars, shares with us her experience of grief and her journey to healing.

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Anticipatory grief

Anticipatory grief is a feeling of loss before someone dies. You might feel it if your friend or relative has dementia, cancer, or another illness which you know will lead to their death.

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