Grief booklets for helping children and young people

Free leaflets either aimed at parents and carers or at young people themselves.

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Information Events (CYP Support)

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Bereavement Volunteer for Children and Young People.

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January 27, 2021 · Blog

Our bereavement volunteers’ lockdown diaries

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we started a research project to capture people’s experience of bereavement support. Here's what we learnt.

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November 14, 2022 · Blog

Should we teach children about death in school?

NAFD President John Adams has launched a parliamentary petition calling for all school age children to be taught about death, dying and bereavement in schools as part of compulsory PHSE.

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Supporting children and young people

Find resources and learn how to refer young people to our services.

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Children, young people and grief

Children and young people experience the same sorts of feelings as adults when someone dies. But they may express them differently.

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Your child dying is one of the worst things that can happen to you. It’s common to struggle to find meaning after such a loss.

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UK Covid-19 Inquiry – how you can help

Help us change the terms of reference to include investigating the support given bereaved people.

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December 1, 2021 · Research

A new toolkit for GPs to use with bereaved patients

We're announcing an exciting new partnership with the Royal College of GPs to strengthen bereavement support and understanding of grief for people across the UK.

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November 19, 2021 · News

Children’s Grief Awareness Week

We're asking for a new focus on children who've lost a caregiver in the pandemic.

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June 30, 2022 · Blog

Supporting people with learning disabilities through grief

Beth Britton, Consultant for MacIntyre’s Dying to Talk Project, explains how the project is supporting people with learning disabilities who have experienced a bereavement

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December 16, 2021 · Blog | Research

Grief during the pandemic

What have been the major challenges of being bereaved during the COVID-19 pandemic? New UK research reports the difficult experiences which have affected so many

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