How to help someone with grief
It can be hard to know what to say and what do to when someone dies. We have some tips on how to help someone who is grieving, whether it’s a friend, family member, or someone you work with.
Someone has just died: how to help
When you first hear that someone has been bereaved, you may want to help them. It’s common to worry about saying or doing the wrong thing. But reaching out can make a huge difference.
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Helping someone as time passes
Many grieving people find that support from others starts to fade away after the funeral. In fact, when someone close dies, the grief may only just be starting. There is a lot you can do to help someone as time passes, both emotionally and practically.
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Supporting a bereaved colleague
When someone at work has been bereaved it can be difficult to know how to react and what to do or say.
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Supporting children and young people after someone dies
Children and teenagers grieve just as adults do, but they may show it differently. Their understanding and reactions will change over time, and as they grow older.
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What to say when someone is grieving
We have some suggestions if you want to speak to someone after someone dies, but don’t know how to start.
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Supporting yourself to help someone grieving
It’s hard to help someone when they are going through a difficult time. It can be emotional and draining. You’ll need to support yourself, to be able to help them in the best way possible.
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